Since the beginning of 2013 the losses of defense and security sector in Azerbaijan amounted to 49 people, according to the Center of journalistic military research "Doctrine" on the basis of media monitoring.
Moreover, the number of wounded or injured over this period to June 20 totaled 61 people, said the director of the center of the "Doctrine" Casur Sumerinli.
Eight people were killed by Armenians, and 41 - non-combat losses.
Cadet of the school named Dzh.Nakhchivancsky died in unclear circumstances. Six people died in an accident (drowning, fell, remained under the tank, electric shocks), nine were killed in car accidents, three were killed in a helicopter crash, five died from disease, and 10 committed suicide.
Thirty nine losses were in the Ministry of Defense, one in the State Border Service, seven in the Internal Troops, one in Special State Guard Service, and one in the Ministry of Emergency situations.
Ten injured suffered as a result of hazing, four attempted suicide, three - in a fight with civilians, seven - from enemy bullets, one – blown up on a mine, four – in accidents (falling into the elevator shaft, fire, explosion), and 32 - in car accidents. –06d—
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