Vafa Guluzade: "Communities of Azerbaijan and Armenia will reconcile after the establishment of peace between the two countries"

Progress in relations between the Azerbaijani and Armenian societies is possible only after the establishment of peace between the two countries; and the speeches and statements of the OSCE Minsk Group is a necessary background to the negotiations between the USA and Russia, said Vafa Guluzadeh, political scientist and former government adviser on foreign policy in an interview to Objective TV.

 The parties several times came close to signing agreements. An example, the is  the Lisbon summit in 1996, when the Armenian delegation asked the ex-President  Heydar Aliyev, with what face  the  delegation will return to Yerevan after a productive preparatory work. In addition, at the initiative of former U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, the presidents in Washington started direct negotiations, shaking hands.
   However, shooting of the Armenian parliament  on 27 October, 1999 on the eve of the OSCE Istanbul summit, including Speaker, Karen Demirchyan, and Prime Minister, Vazgen Sargsyan, caused break in the peace process. Then Robert Kocharian could also suffer from terrorism, but  he in time informed the Kremlin on  secret negotiations with Heydar Aliyev, on the results of which Armenia could be involved in inter-regional projects, bypassing Russia.
 Today   Russia,  even being a nuclear power, has become a much complaisant in relations with the international community, particularly the United States. They expect from  Russia successive concessions on Afghanistan, North Korea, Syria,  and even  on more distant states. After that, it will become more loyal to the issues of Iran and China,  and the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh will be resolved automatically,  because on the background of geopolitical units, it is not a priority.
  Guluzadeh reasonably believes that the intransigence of the Armenian political establishment  has been developed in the Foreign Ministry of Russia. He watched repeatedly as Vladimir Kazimirov and other senior officials of the foreign ministry instructed the opposing party, and even made a comment on the fact. Photos  of Kazimirov, who was having dinner with Zori Balayan, the author of the book "Hearth",  and other co-authors of separatism, bypassed newspapers and magazines around the world.
   The OSCE Minsk Group for nothing accuses in its statements both sides of unwillingness to make concessions. Azerbaijan has maximum possible compromises. Russia is behind Armenia; if  there was some powerful state behind Baku, the starting position was to consist of unwillingness to recognize Armenia as an independent country ; Armenia consists  not  of the "historical", but specific Azerbaijani lands  which  were transferred to it  after the collapse of the tsarist Russia; and there are documents confirming it.
   Negotiations are formality. According to the former President Levon Ter-Petrosyan, "on the eve of the elections  the public  should be sent a positive message". He appointed Zhirair Libaridian,  and Heydar Aliyev appointed  Vafa Guluzadeh  as  special negotiators; and discussions were reduced to the status of Nagorno-Karabakh. The parties agreed to provide the maximum possible in the European and global practice of autonomy, but Libaridian suddenly started talking about the need of the National Guard and foreign missions in the region. Heydar Aliyev was against it, but as a stepping stone he authorized his  representative to begin negotiations with that position. Then the Armenian side threw  a fresh "card" - attachment  the economy of  Karabakh region of the official Yerevan, after which the agreement has lost its meaning. At the request of Ter-Petrosyan, the sides told the public something positive, but in reality it everything came to a cup of coffee.
 The Nagorno Karabakh problem will be solved within the framework of the recognition of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan,  believes the political analyst, and the USA today do everything they can do in this direction. After signing the peace, the public, who have nothing to share, will be friends, remembering old grievances, and Armenia will be involved in international projects, will become wealthy state, which means that its exclusion from the zone of strategic influence of Russia, said the political scientist. --17D—

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