Former Turkish Interior Minister: "Terrorist attack in Moscow on March 22 is an element of the intelligence war"
Sadettin Tantan, one of Turkey's most experienced statesmen and politicians, answers the questions from the Turan News Agency.
Turan: Just five days after the re-election of the president of Russia, a terrorist attack occurred in the Russian Crocus Trade and Exhibition and Business Center in Moscow, as a result of which 137 people were killed and 180 injured. What do you think about the possible causes of the terrorist attack?
Tantan: First of all, it should be noted that now the concept of "war" has a different meaning than before. Currently, military power is determined by factors such as the economy, intelligence, and nuclear weapons. The terrorist act, including the action held in Moscow on March 22, is one of the elements of the intelligence war (1).
Turan: This event clearly indicates the weakness of security measures. As an experienced security specialist, what can you say about this?
Tantan: Time will tell who benefited from this incident. As you know, the ISIS terrorist organization took responsibility for it, which gives Russia a reason to act more harshly and on a large scale in Syria. However, let us see in what direction the processes will develop further.
Turan: A few hours after the terrorist attack, the Kremlin tried to link it directly to Ukraine. What do you think: how will Russia try to use this incident in the war with Ukraine, for example, will it expand its front, attack new regions, etc.?
Tantan: Moscow will try to use this event to its advantage in all spheres. But it will not be able to pin responsibility for this terrorist attack on Ukraine, since ISIS has taken over it, and suspects have already been arrested. In addition, today Russia and Europe are on the verge of war. Macron's claims to political leadership in the EU have significantly increased tensions between Moscow and Paris, which, going beyond relations between Russia and Ukraine, could spread to the whole of Europe. However, we must not forget that the infrastructure of the First and Second World wars was built by the British, and they also left a shadow in the territories they left behind. It should be considered that in the situation of this tension in Europe, England can play its big game. So in all these conflicts, Russia, believing that it is winning, may lose.
Turan: Approximately two weeks ago, 14 people were killed in the shelling of Odessa by Russian missiles. What is your forecast: can military operations move to the Black Sea?
Tantan: Under the influence of imperialist forces, V. Zelensky greatly harmed his people and country. In the absence of serious miscalculations, the war will not spread to the Black Sea. Turkiye is extremely interested in preventing this from happening, as its interests in such areas as energy, tourism and communications are linked to Russia. There is no need to fear this, as long as the Montreux Convention signed in 1936 (2) is in force.
Turan: What are Turkiye’s actions and what should they be in the context of the development of events both in the Russian-Ukrainian war and in the South Caucasus?
Tantan: The imperialist forces have always been against strengthening Turkiye's positions and, consequently, its influence in the Caucasus. Even Germany, its ally in World War I, did not want this. Of course, Turkiye will continue to cooperate with Azerbaijan. And it should also use its influence to prevent the growth of tensions between Baku and Tehran. All countries should recognize that Karabakh is a Turkic land and that the Zangezur corridor should be opened.
- Shatilo Ya.S., Cherkasov V.N. Information wars.
- 2. The Montreux Convention, adopted at the Conference on the Regime of the Black Sea Straits (June 22-July 21, 1936 in Montreux, Switzerland), fully restored Turkiye's sovereignty over the Bosphorus and Dardanelles Straits from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and Turkish military control over the Straits. Turkiye has the right, in wartime or when it is threatened by aggression, to close the straits to all foreign warships and refuse to transit merchant ships belonging to countries at war with Turkiye.
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/The Montreux Convention on status of straits
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