The arrested activist ended his dry hunger strike on the seventh day

Activist of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) Elnur Hasanov on Saturday ended his dry hunger strike, which he had been conducting in Baku detention center No. 1 since May 25.
He stopped the action after a group of martyrs' families approached him.
On June 1, the martyr’s father, Elchin Islamov, visited Hasanov in the detention center, the PFPA statement said.
He conveyed to Hasanov the persistent request of the families of the martyrs to stop the action.
“We, the families of the martyrs, know that Elnur is innocent. We filed a petition with the court stating that we are ready to take Elnur Hasanov on bail. I also met with the head of the detention center, Elnur Ismailov. Fortunately, he received me well, we had a sincere conversation. I asked him to convey our appeal from the martyrs’ families for the release of Elnur to the relevant authorities. For his part, he promised that he would do everything possible to resolve the issue positively. After all this, Elnur agreed to stop the hunger strike,” the martyr’s father is quoted as saying in the PFPA message.
In April, Hasanov had already been on a dry hunger strike for 8 days and stopped the action after he was promised that his case would be objectively considered by the court.

 However, after political prisoners were not included in the pardon order on May 25, he questioned the authorities’ promises and decided to resume the hunger strike.
*Elnur Hasanov was arrested on November 28, 2023 on charges of drug trafficking (Article 234.4.3 of the Criminal Code). The activist believes that the real reason for his arrest is criticism of the actions of the leadership of the Traffic Police.

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