Baku/18.01.18/Turan: Compared to 2016, last year in Baku, the number of serious and especially serious crimes decreased by 6%, deliberate murder by 4.8%, robbery by 10%, and robbery by 16% , stated the head of the Main Police Department of the city of Baku, MirgafarSeidov, at the expanded operational meeting dedicated to the results of 2017, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs said. M.Seidov noted that the detection rate was 80%. The percentage of disclosure of serious crimes amounted to 78.7%, crimes against the individual - 94.4%. 92.9% of premeditated murders, 96.9% - attempts of willful murder, 90.2% - causing of serious harm to health are revealed.According to the head of the department, 73.7% of the wanted defendants were detained, 55.1% were wanted for serious and particularly serious crimes.Concerning drug-related crimes, Seyidov noted that 802 facts had been revealed, more than 272 kg of drugs had been seized from circulation. According to him, the number of road accidents in the capital decreased by 5.6%, and the number of victims by 20%.RamilUsubov, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also participated in the meeting. In his speech, he positively assessed the activities in combating crime for 2017 and ensuring public security. The minister demanded from the heads of the Main Directorate and its structures to strengthen operational measures. -0--
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