The "Musavat" party does not recognize the legitimacy of the parliament and is demanding new elections.

The "Musavat" party does not recognize the legitimacy of the parliament and is demanding new elections.

The Central Election Headquarters of the "Musavat" party has released an initial report on the results of the snap elections. According to the document, the elections were conducted in an environment lacking democratic conditions for free and fair political competition, equal opportunities for all political forces, and were marked by restrictions on freedom of speech, media, expression, and assembly. There was also pressure and repression against journalists, political activists, and critics of the government on social media.

According to "Musavat" representatives and independent observers, voter turnout was extremely low. At some polling stations, there were no voters for hours. The voting was accompanied by widespread violations, including multiple voting by the same individuals and groups, ballot stuffing, and pressure on observers. These violations were documented, and videos of these incidents were circulated online.

The continuity of the electoral process was disrupted at most polling stations where "Musavat" candidates were present—immediately after voting, there was no counting of votes.

The preliminary results of the elections were announced based on data dictated from above. In light of the above, "Musavat" declares that the snap elections to the Milli Majlis on September 1 were "neither free nor fair." The party states that the elections did not meet international standards and Azerbaijan's commitments to the international organizations it participates in.

"Musavat" does not consider the Milli Majlis, formed based on these non-free, non-fair, and non-democratic elections that do not reflect the will of the people, to be a legitimate legislative body. The party demands the annulment of the elections, the implementation of reforms, including electoral reforms, to build a rule-of-law state and a democratic society, and the holding of new parliamentary elections.

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