Situation in Azerbaijan with freedom of speech in recent times has worsened, Turan was told by the head of the Media Rights Institute (PMI), Rashid Hajili. In particular, he referred to the prosecutor's demand on serious criminal penalty of imprisonment for 11 years Avaz Zeynalli, the editor of the newspaper "Khural". "Taking into account the court practice of Azerbaijan, where the court and prosecutors act together, condemning Zeynalli to long prison sentence is not in doubt. This is a terrible punishment, considering that during the trial Zeynalli’s guilt was not proven," said Hajili.
In addition, the conviction threatens journalists of Guba TV "HayalTV», Vugar Gonagovu and Zaur Guliyev. They have no relation to the organization of protests demanding the resignation of Rauf Khabibov, the head of the executive power. Journalists only passed to third parties a short part of Khabibov’s speech at a meeting in which he insulted the local residents.
Encroachment on the freedom of expression was evident in the attacks on the writer Akram Aylisli and calling for physical violence on him. "We can criticize the novel by Aylisli, and express our dissatisfaction. But the authorities should not burn these grievances and guide them in the illegal direction", said Hajili.
Another example of the deteriorating situation of freedom of expression Hajili called the fact that newspaper "Azadlig" was fined 30 million manat on the claim of the head of the Baku Metro, Tagi Akhmedov. "This is not adequately punishment. According to the Criminal Procedure Code, even for causing grievous bodily injury compensation can not exceed 1,000 manat," said Hajili.
He also pointed to the development of a bill prohibiting the shooting of deputies and officials without their consent, under the pretext of protecting privacy.
Obviously, they will be followed by penalties.
In the coming days, representatives of the media community will discuss the situation, and consolidate their efforts to counter attack on freedom of speech.—06B--
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