Türk dövlətlərinin bayraqları

Türk dövlətlərinin bayraqları

Baku/21.10.22/Turan: In order to accelerate the process of linguistic unity and the transition of the Turkic states to a common alphabet, a Commission has been formed to create a single alphabet. According to Anadolu, the decision to form the Commission for the creation of a single alphabet was submitted to the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) at the "Seminar on the Common Alphabet of the Turkic World", held in the Turkish city of Bursa and dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Day of Language.

The seminar was chaired by the head of the Turkish Language Society (TDK) Gürer Gülsevin.

At the seminar, scientists from the Turkic states provided information about the alphabet and historical language processes that took place in their countries and noted the importance of accelerating the process of transition to a single alphabet and its distribution among the Turkic states.

Within the framework of the seminar, it was decided to form a "Commission for the creation of a single alphabet" under the OTS. The Commission will include two members from each official structure dealing with language policy in the Turkic states. The Commission is to submit a report on the unified alphabet to the OTS Council of Elders.

The first meeting of the Commission on the creation of a single alphabet will be held in Kyrgyzstan.

The seminar was also attended by the head of the Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History named after  Ataturk, Professor, Dr. Muhammet Hekimoglu and member of the Council of Elders of the OTS from Azerbaijan Hasan Hasanov.—0—

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