U.S. Tells Putin to "Stand Down", Warns of "Horrific" Outcome if Russian Forces Unleashed

U.S. President Joe Biden told reporters Friday night that he plans to deploy some American troops to Eastern Europe and the NATO countries "in the near term", Turan's Washington correspondent reports.

The president's statement came just hours after top U.S. defense leaders warned that a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine "would be 'horrific," especially for civilians.

"Given the type of [Russian] forces that are arrayed... if that was unleashed on Ukraine, it would be significant, very significant, and it would result in a significant amount of casualties," Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said during a press briefing.

"You can imagine what that might look like in dense urban areas, along roads, and so on and so forth. It would be horrific. It would be terrible. And it's not necessary", he said.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in his turn stressed that conflict with Russia is "not inevitable."

"There is still time and space for diplomacy," the secretary told reporters. "The United States, in lockstep with our allies and partners, has offered Russia a path away from crisis and toward greater security, and the Department of Defense will continue to support those diplomatic efforts."

Both Austin and Milley said the 8,500 U.S. troops have not been ordered to go anywhere, yet. The troops will be part of the NATO Response Force if that unit is activated. The Ukrainian military has about 150,000 active-duty troops and a larger number of reservists, Milley added.

Ukraine is a NATO partner, not a NATO member, but NATO leaders have told Putin that any incursion into Ukraine would trigger significant economic and diplomatic costs.

"A move on Ukraine will accomplish the very thing Russia says it does not want: a NATO alliance strengthened and resolved on its western flank," Austin said.

Whatever President Putin decides, "the United States will stand with our allies and partners,” he added. "The United States will contribute to NATO's response forces. And we will coordinate with our NATO allies. We will make sure that they have the capabilities that they need to defend themselves".

Russia has amassed at least 100,000 troops near the Ukrainian border, and the U.S. has warned in recent weeks that Putin could attack at any moment. The White House has warned Putin that such an attack would be met with severe economic consequences for Moscow.

In the meantime, the U.S. has called for a meeting of the UN Security Council next Monday to address Russia’s behavior and the build-up of Russian troops on Ukraine’s border.

“It basically boils down to the question of whether there should be a path of war, or whether there should be a path of diplomacy,” a senior administration official told reporters on Friday.

Washington wants to get U.N. members on the record. "This situation is a clear threat to peace and security", the official said.

Alex Raufoglu

Washington D.C.


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