USAID and UNDP project to support entrepreneurship

 On Monday the  US ambassador to Baku Robert Cekuta  and the resident- representative of the UN Development Program  (UNDP) to Azerbaijan, Antonius Broek, signed a protocol of intent on the project "Expansion of economic opportunities for business and employment," the cost of which is $ 342,000. At the beginning of the ceremony the participants paid tribute to the victims of  fire on the  offshore field "Guneshli". Broek said that this project is fully consistent with sustainable development goals of the United Nations. It is aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, gender equality, and support for young people. "Over the past 10 years Azerbaijan's economy has developed rapidly and opened thousands of jobs. However, for women there are still stereotypes. These projects will create conditions for more active women and young people in the labor market," said the representative of the United Nations. Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection of Azerbaijan Metin Kerimli, in turn, noted that such projects will help reduce the unemployment rate.  Taken into accoun t that the youth are the driving force of society and is half the population of the country, ensuring their employment is crucial, said Kerimli. According to him, the youth unemployment rate is 13.5%. Therefore, one of the main tasks of the government  is reducing unemployment among thispart of  population. The  US Ambassador Robert flogged said activating the role of women in the economy and society  it will be posisble to strengthen the economy and management system, improve the quality of life. "The US and Azerbaijan have a deep cooperation, and this serves  further development of the two countries," the ambassador said. A two-year project involves the expansion of economic opportunities for the employment of women entrepreneurship and strengthening support for youth employment resource centers and employment centers in Ganja and Masalli. The project is implemented with the financial support of USAID (US Agency for International Development), the UNDP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and the State Committee on Women, Children and Family. -06D—

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