Vafa Nagi Promises the Residents of Neftchala that She Will Return All the Votes Stolen from Her

Vafa Naghi shared details of the elections in the Neftchala district with Turan. The Central Election Commission (CEC) reported the recovery of 84 votes cast by voters in the 70th Neftchala constituency in favor of Vafa Naghi, which had previously been incorrectly recorded for another candidate, and added these votes back in favor of Vafa Naghi. She claims that these votes were unlawfully recorded in favor of her competitor. This action by the CEC was a response to the violation in the work of the Neftchala constituency, which became known due to Vafa Naghi's activism. The increase of 84 votes in favor of Vafa Naghi is reflected on the CEC's website. On the morning of September 2, she had 3,093 votes recorded in her favor; now, that number has risen to 3,177.

"Moreover, the chairman of the district election commission claims that similar incidents occurred at other polling stations, and those votes have also been added to my tally. The time will come to expose the many fake ballots in the boxes, discuss the fact that my observers were expelled, my representatives were intimidated, and thousands of votes cast for me were hidden," Vafa Naghi told Turan.

She promises the people of Neftchala that she will reclaim all the votes stolen from her and punish those responsible for the election fraud in the district.

In a conversation with Turan, Vafa Naghi revealed that after persistent demands, she was able to obtain vote count protocols from all polling stations in the district. "The majority of the stations voted for me, with Tanzilya Rustamkhanly (whom the CEC declared the winner) coming in second. If the CEC returns the votes cast for me, then Tanzilya Rustamkhanly's current tally of over 5,000 votes will decrease, and the votes cast for me will be added to my current 3,122 votes, making me the declared winner," she said.

As an example, she cited the protocol of the 38th polling station, where a little over 100 citizens voted in total, but 299 ballots were found in the box in favor of Tanzilya Rustamkhanly, discovered in a bundle. In the same box, there were 60 ballots in favor of Naghi. "In the stations where I didn’t have observers, or they weren’t persistent, bundles of illegal ballots were found," said Vafa Naghi.

Vafa Naghi added that after analyzing and counting all the data, she would definitely file a complaint in court.

Touching on the conflict at one of the stations with an observer from Tanzilya Rustamkhanly, which resulted in mutual accusations of assault and the filing of two complaints with the police, Vafa Naghi told Turan that the observer who raised a hand against her is from the same village as her, and she knows him well. She is aware that this provocation was planned and executed to thwart her victory in the elections.

"The people of Neftchala stand firmly behind me; they will not allow a man with the smell of alcohol on his breath to raise a hand against a female candidate for deputy. This person knows that my relatives will not forgive his misconduct and will punish him, which is why this provocation was devised. But we have a video recording of the incident, there are witnesses, and I will prove my innocence," clarified Vafa Naghi.

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