What are you doing in Baku, the new U.S. OSCE Minsk Group co-chair?

New American co-chair of OSCE Minsk Group, James Warlick, has been in Baku for two days. He met with President Ilham Aliyev and Foreign Minister, Elmar Mammadyarov.

Judging by his publications on Twitter, Warlick conducting effective meetings .

Thus, his first tweet is this:

JamesWarlick@AmbJamesWarlick 12h

I had a wonderful # Azerbaijan lunch of "piti" with the Azerbaijan Foreign Minister. The lamb was great!

The second diplomatic tweet is this: James Warlick @ AmbJamesWarlick 17 Oct

Where do I find such beautiful carpets in Baku? ... Azerbaijan's traditional handmade carpets. http://english.cntv.cn/program/newsupdate/20131017/103332.shtml ... http://fb.me/2E08dPVDm

It is hoped that the Karabakh settlement will be also have attention paid to it during the Warlick trip. -02D-


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