A bus with military special forces armed with batons arrived to the main entrance of the village of Nardaran. The number of post-patrol police was also increased at the entrance, Turan was told by Natig Kerimov, the head of the Council of Elders of the village of Nardaran. "I do not understand why these steps are being taken, while the rally in Nardaran in the Imam Hussein square has stopped?" said Kerimov. He called inconsistent the debt to "Azerishyg" amounting 42 million AZN. He recalled that in 2007 the debts of the population for electricity were written off by the state. According to "Azerishyg", it turns out that each household has a debt of $ 15 thousand manats. "How could such a claim accumulate. We use only every day appliances," said Karimov.
Today he also visited the telephone exchange, where they confirmed the absence of debts for telephone and Internet. However, telephone communication in the village was turned off.-06D--
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