Roundtable to defend the rigsht of Nigar Yagublu, a member of Musavat Party, was held on Friday by the representatives of women's NGOs.
Committee Chairman Mehriban Vazir, Chairman of the Committee to protect Yagublu’s rights, reminded the accident which happened on August 25, and the arrest of Nigar Yagublu on September10. Moreover, the arrest was authorized not by the court, as it must be, but by the police of Absheron district.
Protection declared inadmissibility of the arrest during the investigation, but on September 20 the Absheron Court upheld the decision to arrest.
On September 27 the Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Absheron Court.
Women activists of civil society regarded the arrest of Nigar Yagublu during the investigation, as the discrimination. They offered to send an appeal to Mehriban Aliyeva and women deputies in connection with the change the preventive measure.
It was also proposed to start a campaign of collecting signatures to support Yagublu, and to establish a working group for this purpose. -05C04-
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