Adviser to the head of the party "Musavat" ,Yadigar Sadigov, who was sentenced to four years in prison, was transferred from the Shuvelan pre-trial prison to a colony N 14 in the village of Gizildash in the Garadagh district of Baku. According to the head of the Committee to protect Sadigov’s rights, on July 22 after the decision of the Court of Appeal, Sadigov as to be transferred to the jail in the village of Khalaj in Salyan region.
The leadership of the Shuvelan jail reassured it. However, on August 2 Sadigov
Was taken to Gizildash, and for two days hided it from his family.
"First, it is a violation of the law, since relatives of the imprisoned must be immediately informed about the change of the place. Only after our persistent requests we, finally, were told the place of Yadigar Sadigov," said the lawyer.
Secondly, in the case with Sadigov was violated another Article of the Code of punishment that the convicted served his sentences in a facility located in the vicinity of the residence.
In turn, the Prison Service rejects the violation of Sadigov’s rights, arguing that relatives were informed about the place of detention. As for the punishment in the nearby of residence, this rule is not a requirement, and it is decided by the Prison Service.
The jail in Gizildash is close to the career of construction materials, and is considered the most disadvantaged from the ecological point of view.
* Yadigar Sadigov was arrested on June 27, 2013 on the complaint of a local resident Rashid Karimov, who claimed that on June 25 Sadigov beat him in the teahouse in Lankaran. Sadigov was sentenced to six years' imprisonment.
Human rights organizations believe that Sadigov is persecuted for political reasons for opposition activities and social network activity. Institute of Peace and Democracy honored him award of "Isakhan Ashurov." -06B-
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