414,844 Pupils to Go to Baku Schools in New Academic Year

Baku / 09/09/19 / Turan: In the 2019/20 academic year, 414,844 children will study in secondary schools subordinate to the Baku Main Department of Education. This is stated in the message of the department on September 5th.

In the IX grades, 32,315 students will study, in the X - 22,795, in the XI - 18,896, and in the XII - 198.

In total, the Baku Main Department of Education has 271 schools. They operate 962 school preparation groups. As of September 5, 21,270 applications were submitted for training in them in electronic form.

The state created the conditions for attracting 90% of five-year-old children to training groups in the 1919/20 academic year.

Through the website mektebeqebul.edu.az 47,794 requests for admission to the first classes were submitted and 44,955 children were accepted to the first classes of secondary schools, and 2,839 - to lyceums and gymnasiums. -05D06--

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