Baku / 17.10.17 / Turan: Neymat Kerimli, the lawyer of journalist Afgan Mukhtarly was examined today in Baku pre-trial detention center-1 and faced a rude treatment. According to Kerimli, Mukhtarly's rights have been limited for a long time and today he took testimony on this from a journalist. However, the lawyer was not allowed to communicate privately with the client. According to Kerimli, the jail staff watched them during the meeting. When leaving the jail, several employees of the Penitentiary Service rudely searched his bag, seized Mukhtraly's testimony and other records. Then the lawyer was forcibly taken to the head of the jail. However, after that, the seized items were returned. The lawyer said that he would file a complaint with the prosecutor's office.
* Mukhtarli was abducted on May 29 in Tbilisi and brought to Azerbaijan, where he was charged under three Articles of the Criminal Code: 315 (resistance to a representative of the authority with the use of force), 318.1 (illegal border crossing) and 206.1 (smuggling). Afgan Mukhtarly denies the charges, saying at the trial that his arrest is a political order. -05B06-
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