Афлатун Амашов

Афлатун Амашов

Baku / 01.02.18 / Turan: Chairman of the Press Council Aflatun Amashov proposes to change the legal status of the Press Council. Speaking today at the first session of the spring session of the parliament, he motivated his proposal by the need to combat racketeering journalism. "Journalists-racketeers receive support from someone. Their goal - blackening officials, business people to earn. Due to the fact that the Press Council is a public organization, we sometimes cannot take the proper steps," Amashov complained.

He called for a review of the status of the Press Council "with a view to better balancing the press". In particular, he suggests adopting a separate law regulating this sphere and improving the activities of the press council. What this will mean in practice Amashov did not explain.

Recently the Press Council has been severely criticized by journalists and the media for acting as courts and prosecutors, clearly exceeding its authority. -16D-

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