Əfqan Sadıqov 

Əfqan Sadıqov 

Baku / 03.05.18 / Turan: The arrested founder and editor of the website Azel.tv Afghan Sadygov was taken from the Kurdakhany detention center to Jalilabad, Turan was informed by his wife Sevinj Sadygova. According to her, the transfer is connected with the consideration of the claim of the former head of executive power of the Jalilabad region Aziz Azizov against the journalist in the order of private definition in the Jalilabad court.

Sevinj Sadygova reported that her husband's health condition leaves much to be desired. He has high blood pressure and swelling on his legs. According to the spouse, at the end of April he declared a hunger strike in the Kurdakhany detention center and sewed up his mouth.

The Jalilabad court told Turan the trial of Afghan Sadygov's case will begin on May 4.

It was not possible to obtain information about Afghan Sadygov's health in the penitentiary service. A few days ago, the deputy head of the Main Medical Department of the Ministry of Justice, Ikhtiyar Gurbanov, said Afghan Sadygov's health condition was under medical control both in the clinic and in the prison.

According to Gurbanov, in April Sadygov was treated for chronic illness, as he is hypertensive and must constantly take medicine.

The founder and editor of the website Azel.tv Afghan Sadygov was detained on November 22, 2016. He was accused of beating a woman in the building of the executive power. Sadygov himself called this a provocation.

On January 12, 2017, he was sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years and 6 months under Article 127.2.3 (causing less serious harm to health in a dangerous way, out of hooligan intentions).

However, on November 7, the Supreme Court re-qualified the charge for 127.1 (causing less serious harm to health, not life-threatening), so the term was reduced to one and a half years. Currently, there are three months left until the end of the term and the term can be extended. Human rights organizations have included Afgan Sadygov in the list of political prisoners. Local human rights activists believe the journalist was arrested because of the exposure of offenses committed in the district. --0---

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