Azercell sends Radio Base Stations and humanitarian aid to Turkiye

The leading mobile operator helps to ensure uninterrupted communication in the earthquake area

Azercell continues its support to the earthquake victims in Turkiye. The company has sent 3 humanitarian aid trucks containing generators and other vital supplies to help those affected by the disaster.

In addition to humanitarian aid, Azercell is sending several mobile radio base stations and technical supplies to Turkiye, accompanied by a group of its engineers, to maintain uninterrupted mobile communication in the earthquake area and assist local specialists in carrying out urgent, complex works on the restoration of telecom infrastructure. The company closely cooperates with relevant organizations to ensure fast and efficient delivery to the disaster area.

The provision of humanitarian assistance and technical support is part of the program adopted by Azercell to assist the brotherly country in eliminating the consequences of this devastating natural disaster. The "Azercell Volunteers" team has conducted an internal campaign among company’s employees to collect essential goods and money to help the earthquake victims in Turkiye. Moreover, in collaboration with “Nargis” Foundation and The Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society, the company has set up short numbers where the subscribers of Azercell can send their donations via SMS. ®

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