Baku / 12.01.18 / Turan: On January 13 in Baku and Absheron it will be cloudy with little precipitation against the background of a strong north wind. The air temperature will drop to +2 degrees at night and + 7 + 9 in the daytime.
According to the regions of the country, precipitation is not expected, except for the northern region. In the mountains it will snow.
The air temperature will be -5 at night and +11 in the daytime.
In the mountains it will be up to -8 frost at night and +2 in the daytime.
Beginning on the evening of January 13, the cold weather front will enter the country from the north, the weather forecasters of the Ministry of Ecology reported. Until January 17, precipitation in the form of snowfalls is expected in the country, intensive in several areas. Precipitation will be accompanied by a strong western wind. The air temperature will drop by 3-5 degrees. There will be ice on the roads. -05D-
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