Committed to its goal of contributing to the development of society Azercell Telecom is announcing a social project contest based on its key strategic goal of "Easing connectivity, empowering lives." The main purpose of this competition is to increase the social activity of society and trigger more intense involvement in development processes, as well as to support the improvement of welfare of individual social groups.
The contest promotes the development of projects in the three main areas - education, culture and health. The submitted projects should cover one of the following directions:
- Supporting improvement of education through advanced technological solutions;
- Supporting development of culture and cultural education through advanced technological solutions;
- Supporting the development of environmentally, physically and mentally healthy society through digital innovations.
Priority will be given to the projects that support the development of the digital environment, inclusion, as well as offering solutions to further improve welfare of population through technology. Projects must clearly distinguish perspectives to make a positive impact on a wider group of people, demonstrating further development opportunities of the idea, and ensuring consistency and sustainable implementation.
In order to ensure transparency and objectivity of the assessment process, all submitted projects will be evaluated by the jury board represented by relevant employees from Azercell, as well as external experts from public and private institutions.
The jury will evaluate the projects according to three main indicators:
- Sustainability of the project
- Social impact of the project
- Cost efficiency of the project
The contest is open to non-governmental and non-profit organizations only.
Please visit https://bit.ly/sosial-layihe-en for more information on requirements for registration and submission of projects.
Submission of applications starts on 11.05.2022 and ends on cob June 11, 2022.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Azercell Telecom has initiated and supported dozens of projects that contributed to the development of society. Over the 25 years of its operations the Company has spent more than $ 22 million on social projects of various scales in education, culture, sports, health, digital literacy and other areas.®
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