Hacı Şahin Həsənli

Hacı Şahin Həsənli

Baku/02.03.23/Turan: Unexpectedly, a well-known and popular Azerbaijani public and religious figure, theologian Haji Shain Hasanli, passed away at just 48 years old.

It is rare that an Islamic scholar in our country is popular in society, even the name of an official religious figure is surrounded by rumors about activities far from Islam. And haji Shain passed away unblemished, dozens of posts on social networks say this, the authors of which remember the deceased with a kind word. All the media in Azerbaijan paid homage to the spirit of Haji Shain. His video speeches on a religious theme are replicated among the people. The Youtube channel of the deceased gathered around him 200 thousand regular subscribers. Today, hundreds of Azerbaijanis saw off Haji Shain on his last journey.

Akhund of the Baku mosque Meshadi Dadash haji Shain Hasanli was born on July 7, 1971 in Baku. He studied at the 189th school, Baku. Then he graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Azerbaijan Technical University. In 2001-2004, he received a second higher education at the Historical Faculty of Baku State University. He spoke Arabic, Persian and Russian. He did not receive a special religious education. Since 2007, he has led the public association for the promotion of moral values "Spiritual World" created by him. Since 2001, he has been the imam of the Mashadi Dadash mosque, in the Nasimi district of Baku. Since 2014, he has been an appointed representative of the Caucasus Muslim Board in Nasimi district. He was not a member of a political party, family, father of four children. In 2020, he published his book "Where to start".

The social significance of Haji Shain is his ability to find compromise solutions in disputes related to religion. So, he said that there was nothing wrong with the idea of creating separate schools for girls, and he did not oppose co-education of children of different sexes. Haji Shain criticized those who, under the guise of Islam, promoted the prohibition of education for girls. One of the appeals of the deceased was a reminder of the responsibility of society and men for the safety and well-being of women. Haji Shain's attitude towards the Iranian Islamic Republic demonstrates his demand for Iran's responsibility for the aggression against the Azerbaijani Embassy in Tehran. He also condemned the Islamist attack on the Azerbaijani embassy in London last year.

Haji Shain, along with religiosity, was a modern educator. He exposed rumors about the inadmissibility of the coronavirus vaccine in Islam. During the days of coronavirus infection, he introduced the practice of reading khutb (sermons) online, without visiting a mosque. The deceased argued his statements with provisions from the Koran.

His views caused discontent among religious radicals, in April 2022, at a sermon at the Mashadi Dadash mosque, a visitor tried to insult Akhund haji Shain. Then he invited the audience to calm down, sit down, and said that different opinions can be expressed, but not in this form. Then he explained that the provocateur posing as a prophet is a sick person.

He was always against any extremes, and of course, in the field of religion. "Radicalism will breed radicalism, lawlessness will breed chaos... It is necessary to promote the cadres of confessors who are able to conduct educational work, and not pour oil on the fire," Haji Shain told a journalist, answering a question about his attitude to the lynching of a Wahhabi in the Sabirabad region of Azerbaijan.

About the criminal "Islamic State" he said that the "IG" was created by radical terrorists who came from different countries. "The reason is the desire to split the Muslim world internally, seize their natural resources and prevent the spiritual and political revival of Muslims."

Haji Shain's life goal was to preserve the unity of Azerbaijani Muslims during the years of the split in the Islamic world. In an interview with Turan, he criticized Muslims who opposed the holding of the Fourth Islamic Solidarity Games "Islamiad-2017" in Baku.

Haji Shain's popularity sometimes hurt him. In 2021 and earlier, rumors spread that allegedly Gadji Shain was aiming for the place of Sheikh ul-Islam Pashazade, and he and his supporters were not in the Administration of Muslims of the Caucasus. The press wrote about the community of modern Islamist reformers formed around Haji Shain. This is supported by the ability of Shain Hasanli to apply modern information technologies in his professional activities. But answering a question from a journalist, Haji Shain said that he had met with Sheikh ul-Islam Pashazade, and rumors about the conflict are wrong.

Allah rəhmət eləsin

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