The other day the Cabinet of Ministers approved the "Program of measures for patients with chronic renal failure for the period 2016-2020."
The program provides for improvement of a single electronic registry of patients with renal failure, early identification of persons with chronic renal disease, providing them with medical care, including hemodialysis, determination of standards and quality of specialized medical care for chronic renal failure.
The chief of the hemodialysis section of the Urological Clinic named after M. Javadzadeh, member of the Hemodialysis Commission Fariz Babayev told Turan that 2,842 patients were registered in Azerbaijan on 1 January 2016. Of these, 1,138 were in Baku and 1,704 - in regions, they are all provided with hemodialysis. In the 34 centers for dialysis 534 apparatuses are operated. Eight of them are in Baku and 26 - in the regions.
According to Babayev, today Azerbaijan such patients do not wait in line. The number of kidney patients increases. According to research, over the last 10 years in Azerbaijan every year this disease increases by 14-20%. The specialist believes that "this growth is in line with the world statistics of growth in patients with renal insufficiency. For example, in Japan and Germany, the number of patients treated for kidney failure is 1,800-2,000 per million. In Azerbaijan, the number is 350-400. This is not the best indicator. Just in the developed countries there is a high rate of early diagnosis of this disease. Mortality among these patients is 10-16%.
According to Babayev, in some regions there are problems with the sick people getting the required dialysis. This is due to a large number of patients standing on the account. The youngest patient for dialysis is 6 years old, and the most adult is 82. According to the statistics, 68% of the sick ones are men and 32% are women.
Babayev said the state spends 13-15 thousand AZN for a four-hour session three times a week for a kidney failure patient. This amount includes the opening of new centers and the purchase of equipment. Last year, more than 40 million manat was allocated to this area.
One cause of renal failure is diabetes. In the country there are over 240,000 diabetics. Experts say that diabetes continuing for more than five years becomes one of the factors of renal failure. Fariz Babayev noted that "hemodialysis is a lifestyle aimed at extension of life more than treatment. 60% of patients receiving hemodialysis live more than five years. In Azerbaijan there has been a case, when a dialysis patient lived for 26 years. Currently, the Republican Clinic Urological Hospital named after M. Javadzadeh, the Oilers Hospital and the Surgical Department of the Medical University perform kidney transplant surgeries. Last year, 130 patients were transplanted kidneys. To date, there are 610 registered patients, and to 400 of them kidney transplants were done outside Azerbaijan.
According to the program, new dialysis centers will be opened in Shamkir and Agsu and the center in the city of Shirvan will be enlarged in 2016. -0-
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