Лейла Мустафаева

Лейла Мустафаева

The family of the Azerbaijani journalist Afgan Mukhtarli refuses to accept Georgian citizenship. As Mukhtarli's wife, Leyla Mustafayeva, declares, the adoption of Georgian citizenship is categorically unacceptable for them. She also claims that the Georgian authorities are trying to stage a show.

"I will not accept the citizenship of Georgia, as this would mean rejecting the citizenship of my country, which I do not want." A year ago I asked for the right of residence and then I was told that we were engaged in dangerous activities and refused. I have a big request not to stage a show on the case of abducting the journalist, let law enforcement officers investigate the matter properly," Mustafayeva said.

Recall that the Prime Minister of Georgia Georgy Kvirikashvili appealed to the President today with a request to provide the Mukhtarli family with the citizenship of Georgia, as an exception. --0--

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