Мехман Гусейнов
Baku/31.07.18/Turan: A group of journalists and lawyers appealed to Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova with a request to help Mehman to visit a seriously ill mother in the hospital. "Mehman Huseynov did not violate laws or internal regulations during the serving of punishment and is positively characterized. Mehman's mother, Firangiz Huseynova, has already been diagnosed with heart failure for three weeks in the Central Hospital of Oil Workers. Her condition is heavy, she is in a coma and is connected to an apparatus of artificial breathing. Doctors do not give any encouraging forecasts. At any moment, she may lose her life, "the appeal says. Earlier, a group of journalists and activists addressed a similar request to the leadership of the Penitentiary Service and the Ministry of Justice. However, this did not help.
According to Article 89.1 of the Code of Penalty Execution, persons who have committed crimes for the first time and who do not pose a major public danger, may be released for up to 7 days due to the death or serious illness of their relatives.
According to Article 89.2. of the same Code, such appeals must be dealt with without delay.
The appeals were signed by lawyer Samir Agayev, journalists Tatyana Kryuchkina, Hafiz Babala, Shamshad Aga, Ayten Alekperov, Vusal Rustamov, Fargan Novruzov and Mustafa Hajili.
* The blogger and the head of the Institute for Reporters' Freedom and Safety, Mehman Huseynov, was sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment on March 3, 2017, on libel charges based on a complaint filed by the head of the Nasimi police, Musa Musayev. The reason for the claim was Huseynov's allegations of torture against him in this department.
M.Huseynov was arrested after he published a number of video reports about the facts of corruption among high-ranking officials and members of parliament. International organizations sharply criticized the arrest of M. Huseynov and demanded his release. -03B06-
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