Khadija Ismailova again summoned to the prosecutor"s office
The investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova March 12 was again summoned to the Investigation Department of Serious Crimes at the Prosecutor General's Office .
As you know, she is a witness in the case of disclosing state secrets.
The reason for the current criminal case was Ismayilova's publishing on her Facebook page of a document on recruitment by MNS of a member of the opposition. Ismayilova published the text, crossing out the name of the opposition activist.
As it turns out, back in 2011, this text was published in its entirety on Facebook, mentioning the name of the opposition member.
After the investigation into Ismayilova's actions started, the former investigator of MNS, Ramin Naghiyev, who is in exile, said that it was he who sent the document to Ismayilova.
Despite this, the investigation continued to summon Ismayilova and was no longer interested in her conversation in the Art Garden restaurant in Baku with representatives of the Office of the U.S. Senate, which the pro-government media called "intelligence."
From 18 to 25 February Ismayilova was 5 times summoned to investigation and her personal computer and personal correspondence was inspected. - 06B -
- Politics
- 12 March 2014 14:49
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