Laboratory tests of blood samples of more than 200 people suspected of having swine flu virus found no A (H1N1) were conducted in Azerbaijan, the press service of the Ministry of Health of the country. At the same time, the agency points to the prevalence of the virus A (H3N2) among seasonal influenza. According to the Ministry of Health, necessary conditions for the examination and treatment of patients with SARS. Health care facilities are provided antiviral drugs and medical supplies have been in specialized medical institutions. In large cities is conducted daily monitoring of incidence of the virus, and the results are analyzed. Despite the small splash of seasonal diseases, the level is below the epidemic threshold.
The Ministry of Health encourages people to see a doctor in case of intoxication symptoms of the virus - vomiting, intestinal disorders, severe headaches, high temperature, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath. The press service of Defense Ministry also reported on the adoption of special measures to prevent the spread of swine flu among military servants.-03D06-
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