New restrictions on the Internet

Baku / 01.12.17 / Turan: The Milli Majlis has amended the administrative legislation establishing the measures of responsibility for publishing information on the Internet that is not subject to disclosure. In particular, the Code on Administrative Offenses is supplemented by Article 388-1.

According to the innovations, individuals will be fined for these offenses in the amount of 500 to 1,000 manats, officials - from 1,000 to 1,500 manats, legal entities - from 1,500 to 2,000 manats.

It is about information, the dissemination of which is prohibited by the law on information. At the same time, the "notes" of the article explain that these penalties are applied if the violations committed do not entail the responsibility provided for by the Criminal Code. In connection with these innovations, the amendments were also made to the laws "On Mass Media", "On Telecommunications", "On Broadcasting", etc.-05B06-

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