NGO accuses service company of tax evasion

Service Company AMEC Services Ltd. It  has been operating in Azerbaijan with violations of the law, according to the study of Petroleum Protection Committee.

The company operates in Azerbaijan since May 2001, providing services in the field of engineering  technical design, maintenance, modification, construction and design. It is a foreign subcontractor companies AIOC, BP ​​(Caspian Sea), BP (Shah Deniz) - operators in the development of fields "Azeri" contracts - "Chirag" - "Guneshli" and "Shah Deniz".

General manager and an official representative of the company AMEC Services Ltd. in Azerbaijan,  is currently operating under the name AMEC Foster Wheeler, it is Richard Rippon-Swayne.

Committee to Protect the rights of oil workers , based on the results of court monitoring revealed the following violations in the work of AMEC Services Ltd: All foreign employees working under contracts between AMEC Services Ltd. and BP, were actually staff of  AMEC Global Resources (Singapore).

At the same time employment contracts of foreign employees were  signed with  AMEC Services Ltd. UK, that is, with the parent company, although physically they were in Azerbaijan, and were obliged to pay tax here. This practice continued for more than 10 years.

In addition, between AMEC Services Ltd. companies and AIOC, BP ​​(Caspian Sea) and BP (Shakh Deniz), were concluded contracts for reimbursement of all costs AMEC at a premium in the amount of 5% to 7%. However, not content with AMEC put forward an additional account to the client in the face of BP's spending on local and foreign workers.

The AMEC-BP contracts stipulated the salary of all employees in three dimensions, that is, the minimum wage, the average salary and maximum salary. So, AMEC employees paid the minimum wage or the average salary, exposing BP accounts indicating the maximum salary.

The most conservative estimate, artificially inflated the personnel costs of the order of 900,000 per month. For 13 years the company's activity in Azerbaijan this figure amounted to more than 140 million US dollars, which does not pay taxes, and these inflated costs reimbursed by the Azerbaijani oil.

General extent of damage caused by the country's economy, according to estimates of the Committee to protect the rights of Petroleum for 13 years is estimated at 345 million US dollars.

Fully message  of the Committee to Protect Oil Workers Rights  is published on the Facebook page of the head of the NGO Mirvari Gahramanli.

The organization believes that the facts are made public  should be investigated by the  law enforcement agencies, the Ministry of Taxes, the Migration Service, and other relevant agencies.

 The Azerbaijani representation of  AMEC Foster Wheeler to a request to comment on the charges to protect the rights of Petroleum Committee, promised to express attitude later, after reviewing the study. Turan was ready to publish a review of AMEC Foster Wheeler.-06D--

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