Azadlig continues to cover the trial of former Judge Hasan Aliyev in connection with the fact of a large bribe.
Fired from his job, former Police Colonel Malik Mustafayev committed suicide.
Confrontation occurred between police and residents of Ganja, who gathered at the mosque Shah Abbas. This was caused by the police ban for residents to rally in the courtyard of the mosque.
Famous lawyers urged the citizens to take part in the action of the National Council on the situation of human rights in Azerbaijan.
Experts called false the statement by the Minister of Agriculture Heydar Asadov that over the past 10 years there has been progress in all areas of agriculture.
Experts commented decline in the world market price of Azeri Light oil to 80.54 dollars. This reduction means losses of 700 thousand dollars daily to the state budget.
The Chairman of the parliament committee on social policy Hadi Rajabov said that every year 200 Azerbaijan babies are born with thalassemia and 300 with hemophilia.
Echo writes that in America petrol is cheaper than in Azerbaijan. A liter of gasoline costs 79 US cents - cheaper than milk. In Azerbaijan, a liter of gasoline costs $ 1.02.
Bizim Yol writes that ex-President Ayaz Mutalibov receives 7,500 manat (half the salary of the President of Azerbaijan, which is 15 thousand manat). But the family of the former President Abulfaz Elchibey receives only 3,750 manat.
Yeni Musavat writes about the entrepreneur Hafiz Mammadov, who has his formerly withdrawn business returned, besides partnership with the Minister of Transport.
The newspaper also writes about the scandal with ordered killing related to Anar Mammadov, the son of Transport Minister, in Turkey. It is about the attempt on the security chief of Anar Mammadov. The newspaper writes that the family Mammadovs is involved in other murders.
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