Baku/28.08.19/Turan: The funeral of Shiite Muslims on the month of Muharram this year will come on September 1. The peak of mourning is the 10th day - Ashura, stated a joint fatwa of the Council of Kadiyev and the Scientific and Religious Council of the Caucasus Muslims Office (CMD).
The fatwa indicates the inadmissibility of holding mass processions in Ashura outside the place of religious rites, self-flagellation and the use of flags and other attributes of foreign states. At the same time, actions to donate blood will be held in Ashura.
* Ashura - mourning celebrated by Shiites in memory of Hussein - the grandson of the prophet Muhammad and the son of Imam Ali, who died with his supporters in an unequal battle with Omeyad troops near the town of Karbela (modern Iraq) in 680.-06B-
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