Representatives of the Ombudsman visit Tale Bagirzade

Members of the National Preventive Group (NPG) against Torture under the Ombudsman visited jail N12 of the Prison Service. The purpose of the visit became the investigation of reports about the conditions of detention in a punishment cell and the treatment of prisoners. As part of the NPG was also a doctor.  The NPG representatives from 19 persons held in a punishment cell; 12 of them had previously appealed to the Ombudsman. According to the press service of the Ombudsman, these persons have not complained about the conditions of detention and treatment. But it is not explained of what they then complained. Later members of the NPG met theologian Bagirzade Thale, due to the appeal of his the violation of his rights.

According to representatives of the ombudsman, Bagirzade said that he was not allowed to meet with two close friends. After that the issue on the meeting of Bagirzade with one of these people was agreed with  the leadership  of jail.

Bagirzade was arrested  on March 31, 2013, and was sentenced to two years in prison on charges of drug possession. Later he was given another four months in prison for possession of prohibited items in jail.  But human rights defenders consider him a prisoner of conscience, who is persecuted for criticizing the government's policies in the area of ​​religion. –06D-

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