Rise in Expelled Students from Azerbaijani Universities Due to Financial Strain

Experts suggest that the primary driver behind this increase is the students' inability to afford tuition fees. University tuition in Azerbaijan varies widely, ranging from 1,500 to 6,500 manats annually, depending on the institution and the program.

The State Examination Center (SEC) reported that for the 2023/2024 academic year, 51,941 individuals were admitted to higher education institutions. Of these, 24,594 were granted state-funded education, while 27,347 were admitted on a paid basis. Notably, the number of state-funded admissions increased by 1,550 compared to the previous year.

In response to the financial challenges faced by students, Azerbaijan has established an Educational Student Loan Fund. During the spring semester of 2024, 5,571 students applied for loans, and 4,252 were approved.

Jeyhun Mammadov, a member of the Milli Majlis Committee on Science and Education, emphasized in an interview with Turan that while some universities have high tuition fees, ranging from 5,000 to 7,000 manats, this is not the case across all institutions. He highlighted the growing emphasis on free education, noting that the state now supports a higher percentage of students financially. For example, the newly established Garabagh University will offer state-funded education to all 1,500 of its students, and education at the Theological University is currently free.

Mammadov also argued that the primary reason for student expulsions is not solely the inability to pay fees. He pointed out that some students are unaware of the available financial aid and that more needs to be done to inform them. Additionally, he suggested that many students do not choose the right specialty, which affects their educational journey. He stressed the importance of improving the quality of education and encouraging students to pursue vocational training if it aligns better with their interests and skills.

Education expert Nabatali Gulamoglu expressed concern in an interview with Radio Azadlig that increasing expulsions due to financial issues indicate worsening economic conditions for citizens. He criticized the commercialization of education, stating that it prioritizes financial gain over educational quality. Gulamoglu argued that even with student loans, there is no guarantee that students will be able to repay them. He called for a balance between tuition fees and the quality of education provided, emphasizing the need to address the imbalance where high tuition fees are not matched by corresponding educational quality.

The Ministry of Economy's new measures aim to simplify the auction process, increase transparency, and improve the management of state assets in Azerbaijan. However, the ongoing issue of student expulsions highlights the need for continued efforts to ensure that higher education remains accessible and affordable for all.

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