Афган Мухтарлы

Афган Мухтарлы

Baku/28.12.18/Turan: The Surakhani District Court of Baku today considered two complaints from journalist AfganMukhtarly, reported his wife Leyla Mustafayeva.

The complaints raise the question of the inhuman treatment of him in the jail, the restriction of his rights to telephone conversations, visits from relatives and the receipt of books.

The complaint of inhuman treatment was examined on December 27 by the judge RamilHasanov.

To establish whether the actions of the staff of the jail in relation to Mukhtarly are part of a crime, the case was sent to the Surakhani district prosecutor's office.

The consideration of the case will continue after the decision of the prosecutor's office, lawyer ElchinSadigov said.

The second complaint was considered on December 28th.

However, the judge JeyhunGadimov dismissed the complaint.

The decision of the court will be appealed.

* On May 29, 2018, investigative journalist AfganMukhtarly was abducted in Tbilisi and secretly transferred to Azerbaijan, where he was arrested on charges of smuggling, illegal border crossing and violence against a border guard and was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

The arrest of the journalist was condemned by international organizations, including the European Parliament. Amnesty International recognized him as a "prisoner of conscience." - 05B06-

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