Osman Narimanoglu (Rzayev)

Osman Narimanoglu (Rzayev)

Baku/03.11.23/Turan: Trial of the site manager Demokratik.az Osman Narimanoglu (Rzayev) is unreasonably delayed, said his wife Arzu Rzayeva. According to her, the judicial investigation has been going on for the 16th month. In her opinion, the judges of the Ganja Court for Serious Crimes, chaired by Roman Alekperli, deliberately delay the proceedings under various pretexts.

The last meeting was held on September 7, when the court decided to send requests to mobile operators.  By law, court requests must be secured within 30 days. However, two months have passed, but the court does not resume hearings. The editor's wife sees in the prolongation of the trial an "order" to keep Narimanoglu in custody as long as possible, exerting moral pressure on him. In turn, human rights activist and lawyer Rasul Jafarov told Turan that the criminal procedure legislation does not provide for deadlines for judicial investigation.

On the one hand, it is written that the judicial investigation should be carried out in a "reasonable time", and on the other hand, it is noted that it should be "objective and comprehensive", and therefore should not be limited in time. However, conducting a judicial investigation for a long time is understandable when there are many accused, witnesses in the case, there is a need for various examinations.

Osman Narimanoglu was arrested on July 5, 2022 on charges of extortion. After his arrest, he stated that the accusations were false, that he had been slandered by officials of the Melioration Department and doctors of the Goranboy and Goygol districts about whose corruption acts he had published materials. The Union "For Freedom of Political Prisoners of Azerbaijan" recognized him as a political prisoner. ---06B---

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