Xalq Cəbhəsi və Müsavat partiyaları vətəndaş cəmiyyəti və mətbuat nümayəndələrinin iştirakı ilə ötən öncə hakimiyyət tərəfindən parlamentə təqdim edilmiş
The opposition will prepare an alternative bill "On political parties"
Baku/13.08.22/Turan: On Tuesday, the Popular Front and “Musavat” parties held a hearing with the participation of representatives of civil society and the press in connection with the draft law "On political parties", submitted by the authorities to parliament the day before.
PFPA chairman Ali Karimli and head of “Musavat” Arif Hajili regarded the bill as a reactionary one aimed at usurpation of Azerbaijan's party system by the ruling regime.
The bill sharply restricts the rights of citizens to participate in the political system of the country and contradicts the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the international obligations of the state.
It was decided to create a commission of representatives of opposition parties and experts to prepare an alternative bill with the participation of broad sections of society. It is also planned to hold a special public vote on the social network on two bills - presented by the authorities and prepared by the opposition.
The bill submitted to the parliament will also be examined, and the results of will be presented to international institutions, the member of which is Azerbaijan.---0—
On January 11, the weather in Baku will be changeable, with no precipitation expected. In some areas of the Absheron Peninsula, short-term rain showers are possible in the morning. A moderate southwest wind will blow.
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In 2017, the Sumgayit City Court ruled to evict the Aliyev family—refugees from Gubadli (Akper, Sarvinaz, Ramil, and two other family members)—from an illegally occupied apartment in the 12th microdistrict, Building 7A, Apartment 35. The court ordered the property be returned to its rightful owner, Samaya Aliyeva. However, the Ministry of Justice intervened, citing a presidential decree from July 1, 2004, which approved a state program for improving the living and working conditions of refugees. Under this directive, refugees without alternative housing cannot be evicted until they are provided with a replacement residence by the Executive Authority.
On January 10, the weather in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula will be cloudy, with no precipitation. A moderate southeast wind is expected. At night, temperatures will range from +5°C to +8°C, and during the day, from +9°C to +14°C. Humidity will be 80-85% at night, and 65-70% during the day.
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