Baku/18.01.22/Turan: Today the wife of imprisoned journalist Polad Aslanov was invited to the Prosecutor General's Office, where she was received by the head of this agency, Kamran Aliyev.
According to Turan Aslanova, the Prosecutor General said that on February 3 a representative of the prosecutor's office will participate in the consideration of the appeal in the Supreme Court.
"Kamran Aliyev said that as Prosecutor General he promises that the case will be considered fairly and objectively," Aslanova said.
Note that the day before Aslanova came to the General Prosecutor's Office to meet with the head of the department, but was not allowed into the building.
Meanwhile, the International Committee to Protect Journalists (ICPJ) expressed concern about Polad Aslanov's condition due to his hunger strike.
"The weight of imprisoned journalist Polad Aslanov in Azerbaijan dropped to 42 kilograms on the 12th day of his hunger strike to protest the unjust sentence and the 9-month delay in the Supreme Court's review of his complaint," the ICPJ said in its publication on Twitter page.
Aslanova herself was detained on January 17 during a solitary picket outside the Prosecutor General's Office to protest the prosecution of her husband.
Azerbaijani authorities must release Polad Aslanov immediately, Gulnoza Said, ICPJ's coordinator for Europe and Central Asia, said.
This was ICPJ's second statement since Aslanov began his hunger strike on January 6.
Earlier, Reporters Without Borders also spoke in Aslanov's defense.
* xeberman.com editor Polad Aslanov was sentenced on November 16, 2019, to 16 years of imprisonment on charges of treason in favor of Iran. Reporters Without Borders and other human rights groups have called on Azerbaijani authorities to release Polad Aslanov. Since January 6, he has been on hunger strike to demand a review of his case and expedite consideration of his appeal in the Supreme Court. On the 9th day of the hunger strike it became known that the Supreme Court scheduled a review of Polad Aslanov's appeal for February 3. -06B-
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