COVID-19 testi - nə qiyməti, nə də nəticəsi vətəndaşı razı salır.... (Arxiv)

COVID-19 testi - nə qiyməti, nə də nəticəsi vətəndaşı razı salır.... (Arxiv)

In recent weeks, there has been an unpleasant moment in Azerbaijan associated with a fatal outcome from the coronavirus. According to official statistics, although the number of infections is small, the mortality rate among those infected reaches 10 percent.

According to official statistics, as of May 3, 46 cases of infection with a new type of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were registered in Azerbaijan, 41 people were treated and recovered. It is reported that five people whose test samples were positive died. On May 2, it was also announced that the number of infected is 28 people, three of them died from this virus. This strange statistic has been going on since the end of April.

According to statistics published by the World Health Organization,  for  May 2, 133 thousand 693 people were infected with COVID worldwide, 2 thousand 970 people died from the virus. And on May 3, 128 thousand 878 people were infected with this virus, 1 thousand 57 people died. So, unlike Azerbaijan, the mortality rate among those infected with this virus in the world is about 1-2 percent.

Despite repeated attempts, it was not possible to obtain the opinion of the Operational Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers regarding this contradiction. But a member of the Milli Majlis health committee, Malahat Ibrahimgizi, told Turan that the number of people who died from this infection is really large compared to the number infected with coronavirus in recent days: "This is already somewhat alarming. During the pandemic, we witnessed that the main percentage of deaths occurred in people with severe chronic diseases, people with weakened immune systems and people over 65 years of age. If those who are currently dying from coronavirus do not fall into these categories, it already makes you think."

According to the deputy, although the end of the pandemic has not been officially announced, almost all bans have been lifted, and people have confidence: "Sometimes you see that people carry the disease in a severe, atypical form, but do not go to the doctor."

According to the member of the committee, official bodies should disclose the causes of a high percentage of deaths so that the public is informed about it.: "Perhaps these people have not been vaccinated. But in any case, it should be investigated to understand why the percentage of deaths in the almost ended pandemic period exceeds 10 percent. The relevant structures should analyze and study this."

It has not yet been possible to talk about this topic with the relatives of people who reportedly died from this virus. 

Radiologist Aydin Aliyev told Radio Azadlig that the figures voiced raise doubts: "This is definitely not the case. How can we say that these people died of coronavirus, without autopsies, without analysis taken from various organs, verification? A person may have a serious heart or kidney disease. If the COVID test also turned out to be positive, then the person died from the coronavirus. Naturally, this is wrong."

According to the expert, the world statistics on COVID shows that mortality statistics in other countries, except Azerbaijan, are low. "As usual, everyone goes one way, and we go the other way. Even in the most severe periods of the pandemic, mortality was not 10 percent, but about 1-2 percent. Now this is not the case at all, because the virus has mutated, and its lethality is zero. Today, death solely from COVID is absurd."

The expert says that it is possible to put forward different versions regarding the reasons for the appearance of such figures in official statistics: "But since we have no facts, evidence, we cannot say why they do it. We can only assume that this can be used as a basis for extending quarantine and closing land borders. But the reason is not entirely medical."

Since March 2020, a quarantine regime has been in effect in Azerbaijan in connection with the coronavirus. Since that time, traffic across the country's land borders has also been restricted. But in parallel with the acceleration of vaccination work in recent years, quarantine has been significantly relaxed, but restrictions on land borders have not been lifted.

At the end of 2019, a new coronavirus was discovered in the world. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared coronavirus a pandemic. So far, it has been announced that about 7 million people have died from this rapidly spreading virus around the world. In Azerbaijan, as of May 4, 831 thousand people were confirmed infected, of which 10 thousand 250 people died. ---0---

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