Baku / 25.07.17 / Turan: "Prior to the arrest, I was warned in connection with my critical poems, they said that it could be bad for me, that's why I was slandered and arrested," satiristTofigHasanli, who was under arrest, said at today's court session in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court considered the cassation complaint of a satirist sentenced to 6 years in prison on drug charges.In an open trial, TofigHasanli stated that all the decisions of the lower courts were illegal.
"None of the motions and requests of my lawyers to the court were satisfied. My case was considered unfair. I am a poet, and I was slandered in connection with drugs. Whom did I sell the drugs to; whom did I buy them from? No such person was found. The court simply confirmed what the investigation wrote. "
The poet-satirist claims that his arrest was the work of some official, or perhaps the government itself, he asked the court to annul the court's decisions against him and release him. The cassation appeal of TofigHasanli was supported by the lawyer ZibeydaSadigova. She stated that the verdict against TofigHasanli was illegal and unjustified, since none of the allegations that had been put forward confirmed him. The lawyer asked to justify T. Hasanli. However, the judicial staff, presided over by the judge Imran Hajigaibov, dismissed the complaint. The lawyer ZibeydaSadigov, at the end of the trial, told RadioAzadliq that she would appeal to the European Court in the coming days.
On August 22, 2016 TofikHasanli was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of 6 years on charges of illicit drug trafficking. His appeal was not granted. TofiqHasanli is known for his satirical pamphlets about officials.-0-
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