Aydın Balayev

Aydın Balayev

Baku/08.12.21/Turan: A famous Azerbaijani historian, ethnologist, professor of Baku State University Aydin Balayev has passed away. He was born on November 19, 1956 in Baku, graduated from the history faculty of Baku State University and Moscow State University. He began his career at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan.

Aydin Balayev is the author of a number of monographs on the history of Azerbaijan during the 19th-20th centuries. Among them are "Movement for independence in Azerbaijan in 1917-18", "Ethnolinguistic processes in Azerbaijan in the 19th-20th centuries", "February revolution and national achievements", "Mamed Emin Rasulzade", "Azerbaijani Turks: processes of national self-awareness" and others.

Balayev became one of the first historians to objectively study the history of the Azerbaijan People's Republic (1918-20), which was falsified by Soviet historiography.

The light shed by Balayev on the glorious pages of national history hidden from the people for decades became an important contribution to awakening the national consciousness of the Azerbaijani people and the beginning of the movement for the independence of Azerbaijan in the late 1980s - early 1990s.

The staff of the Turan agency deeply mourns the death of Aydin Balayev and expresses condolences to the family of the deceased. -0-


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