Weather forecast for December

Baku / 30.11.17 / Turan: In December, the weather in Azerbaijan will be close to the climatic norm. The level of precipitation will slightly exceed the monthly rate, the weather forecasters of the Ministry of Ecology. So, in Baku and on Absheron the average temperature of air will be + 6 + 8 degrees. On some days it will be a little warmer. On December 1, precipitation is not expected in Baku and Absheron, the north wind will blow. The air temperature will be + 8 + 11 degrees in the afternoon. In the country's regions, precipitation is not expected, except in the northern regions, where it is possible to rain, and in the mountains - snow. In then daytime will be + 8 + 13, and in the mountains + 3 + 8 degrees during the day -03D-

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