A few days ago Azerbaijan Mountaineering Federation (AMF) learned from the Internet that on December 20-21 the dry-tooling Championship of Azerbaijan will take place in Baku, which will be carried out by Federation of air and extreme sports FAIREX.
However we didn't find an official regulation signed by ministry of youth and sport which is responsible for carrying out any kind of Championship of Azerbaijan.
The vice-president of AMF Saridan Mursagulov commented on this fact in conversation with the press-service of AMF on December 18: “Three times during this week I applied to the Ministry of Sports to know whether championship is approved on specified dates or not?
However confirmations that the regulation of competitions is approved from the Ministry of Youth and Sport didn't arrive yet. We as federation also didn't receive the invitation letter on this championship though usually it happens 20 days before the event. I asked the staff of the ministry to notify us by letter, because national championship is an important action which we aren't interested to skip."
Representatives of AMF contacted to organizers of competitions yesterday. They also confirmed that regulation isn't signed yet, but application taking will be complete on December 18.
"The president of AMF Israfil Ashurli also commented on a question of the forthcoming championship:
AMF has opportunities to advance both national team of the federation and also AMF clubs' members, but unfortunately we didn't receive the written invitation for the forthcoming championship, as well as didn't see the published regulation of competitions approved by Ministry of Sport of Azerbaijan. As the head of federation I declare that we are ready and with the great pleasure will participate in the Republican dry-tooling Championship or in any other discipline.
The Azerbaijani climbers during all history protected with honor a name of the country in the high mountains of Azerbaijan and abroad, so we can't ignore such sporting event as the Republic Championship. According to information I have the federation which carry out this championship, doesn't distribute invitations in writing form, but publish it on the Internet. However not everybody can always watch news on the internet and
mailing of letters will help to attract more participants. Recently we held AMF dry-tooling Cup between the clubs and we will be glad to participate in the Championship to the Republic. Sportsmen are full of strength and desires to compete with other athletes, to contest for prize-winning places.
Also in case of need to cooperate with organizers in questions of statement of routes and participations in refereeing. For this purpose we have a necessary experience, the experts who were trained abroad and the most important - desire. Any Championship will be more interesting, if a large number of good and motivated athletes will take part in it ."
AMF one more time applied to the Ministry of Sports of Azerbaijan in the first half of the day on December 19 – the regulation on holding the dry-tooling Championship of the republic is still not approved.
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