Zakari Qros

Zakari Qros


There is a real possibility that a peace treaty could be negotiated between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the near future. This has been discussed by the leaders of both countries. Letters have been exchanged between them on key principles. Official contacts have been held. Civil society representatives have also met. This process allows us to be cautiously optimistic.

This does not mean normalisation of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia is a forgone conclusion. It will be difficult to achieve. There will be stumbling blocks. « Official Baku » wants to see progress on concrete issues such as connectivity and border delimitation as well as recognition of the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty. Armenian officials are no less concerned that their deep interests be taken into account, including the security and rights of the Armenians of Karabagh.

On both sides, there is little doubt there will be people opposed to peace. There could also be incidents that could jeopardize the process. Misunderstandings can fuel mistrust and compromise success.

This is why it is important for all people of good will in Azerbaijan and Armenia to support the peace process.

Civil society can play an important role. Academics, think tankers, artists, authors, actors, business people, simple citizens can all strengthen the process by speaking out in favour of peace. Women have an especially important and internationally recognised role in peace-making.

Together with the European Union, France fully supports the recent brave efforts that have been undertaken by the leaders of Azerbaijan and Armenia and stands ready to assist the process of establishing peace.

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