Information on resolution some NGOs problems is wrong

Human rights activist Oktay Gyulalyev on his Facebook page commented on the information about settling the problems of the NGO leaders. By the way, the name of Gyulalyev was also mentioned in this information. He said that the information about him was wrong. "... Recently, the press publishes information about cessation of repression against civil society activists, the termination of the prosecution, lifting arrests from their accounts, as well as a ban on leaving their country. People share the lists in which my name is noted.  Of course, the presence of initiatives in this issue, the resolution of the problems of friends (if the information is correct) is a positive fact. Despite all these problems have been artificially created by the authorities, after consistent pressure by the local and international community, the power has begun the use of certain mitigating steps. My name is also included the information about the solution of problems of social activists and NGO leaders, but it is not true. The current government has not solved and is not willing to solve any problems created in connection with me, my family, and the organization which I head. Public Association in the Name of Democratic Reforms, led by me has not been   unreasonably registered for over 17 years. A fabricated lawsuit launched against me on April 18, 2012 has not been terminated. I am forbidden to leave the country.  The same situation is with my children.  The spread information reads that the ban on my leaving the country has been lifted. However, they have not issued yet my passport, and a lawsuit against me has not been terminated. There is a judgment about my being under house arrest and police surveillance. How can a person who does not have a passport, is under house arrest and police surveillance leave the country? Some information clarified recently once again confirms the truth."


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