Тетяна Ястремська

Тетяна Ястремська

"The topic of Nagorno-Karabakh has once again clearly declared itself to the whole world, and this is not surprising, given how long the occupation of Azerbaijani lands lasts.

We, bystanders, read or hear about it and forget again, while this is the everyday reality of an entire nation. A new round of events, regardless of what was its trigger, led to the restoration of Azerbaijan's control over a number of its (!) territories, as declared in international documents - resolutions of the largest international organization, which declares that it is guarding peace and order in all over the world.

However, the question arises. If we pay attention to the reaction of the world community, then it clearly traces the standard call for non-violence and a peaceful solution to the conflict. At the same time, countries that know firsthand what occupation is, are well aware and feel the futility of all efforts for a "peaceful settlement", including on the part of states that have recognized their territorial integrity and their ownership of their own land, which was under control of external forces. The decisiveness and clarity of Azerbaijan's steps arouses respect and should become an example for other "illegally robbed" states, including Ukraine.

Unfortunately, the bitterest consequences of the struggle against the occupation are human losses, especially the death of civilians. Their lot is with the Almighty. We can only hope for the restoration of justice and for real support by the world community of the Azerbaijani people and their just cause. "

Tatiana Yastremskaya, editor of the portal "Islam for All" (Ukraine)


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