Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

Açiq mənbələrdən foto.

For several days now, Armenian public figures and politicians have joined the struggle for the "honor and dignity" of Armenian prisoners of war, demanding their immediate return. In Yerevan, they believe that Baku is deliberately keeping them in order to arrange a march of shame for Armenian prisoners of war at the victory once parade in Baku. This is how hundreds of German prisoners of war were once led through the streets of Moscow in disgrace.

Realizing the degree of humiliation and shame, the Armenians are trying in every possible way to prevent such a scenario for themselves. The leader of the Armenian Diaspora, Ara Abrahamyan, even announced that he personally turned to Vladimir Putin on this issue, and he allegedly promised his help.

What can I say here?

I want to remind the Armenians on February 17, 1992, when the Arabo and Aramo detachments captured and burned the Azerbaijani village of Garadaghly in the Martuni region. Then in a local school several people were burned alive. 118 local residents were captured as prisoners and taken to Khankendi. The Armenians were stopping along the way and shooting several people in front of each Armenian village. In addition, several of the wounded were buried alive in a silo.

Then 54 captive men in underwear were taken through the streets of Khankendi to the hooting of the crowd and the muzzles of machine guns. Of the captured residents of Garadaghly, only 8 people were exchanged and returned later.

In addition to the Garadaghly tragedy, there were also Malybeyli, Khojaly, Aghdaban, Meshali and others. Everywhere the Armenians did the same.

So what, should we forget about it and think about the Geneva Convention?

Armenians are right to fear such a shame. Ilham Aliyev not only can, but is OBLIGED to order the Armenian prisoners to be led like a herd of sheep through the streets of Baku! Don't give a damn about conventions! This shame will remain an indelible stain in the history of Armenians. These shots will be included in historical chronicles, in the world media and will be shown every time they talk about the Second Karabakh War.

The Armenian society must drink this cup to the bottom.


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