Осман Нариманоглу (Рзаев)
Baku/15.05.23/Turan: The court investigation of the Demokratik.az website editor Osman Narimanoglu (Rzayev) is delayed unreasonably, his wife Arzu Rzayeva told Turan.
Osman Narimanoglu was arrested on 5 July 2022 on charges of extortion from officials of the Land Reclamation Department and doctors of Goranboy and Geygel regions. After his arrest, he said the charges were false, he was slandered by officials about whose corruption he had published stories.
The judicial investigation has been ongoing since early February and has been unreasonably prolonged, his wife said.
According to her, there is no reliable evidence against her husband and he is being tried on the basis of false witness statements.
"On May 11, the trial was adjourned once again and Osman protested to the state prosecutor and the court for delaying the trial. The police then handcuffed him and escorted him out of the hall. On May 13, we were told that Osman was transferred to the SIZO medical unit; we do not know what happened and are worried about his health," his wife said. -06В-
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