The online meeting of the leaders of the CSTO states, which was broadcast from Moscow on Monday, revealed a general solidarity in the interpretation of the latest political crisis in Kazakhstan - external interference.
The direction for this line of perception of events was set by the President of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev - the situation was qualified by law enforcement officers as a threat of terrorism and an act of aggression.
Subsequently, all speakers considered the crisis situation in the post-Soviet space, and in particular in their countries, as a result of external intervention and a strategy of destabilizing the situation in the new states.
Neither Tokayev, nor anyone else, spoke about the basic reasons for the demonstration of the popular masses and the revolutionary situation. On this issue, everyone was in solidarity - no internal socio-economic and socio-political tension can be an excuse for expressing the protest of the people.
It followed from the speeches that the people did not have the right to express discontent and any such expression was viewed as the result of the incitement of foreign unfriendly forces, primarily the West, on which the head of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko focused.
Refusal to recognize the conceptual basis of the revolutionary situation - the crisis of the economy, the crisis of relations between power and society, which is expressed in the refusal of the government to be accountable to society, in the suppression of the freedom of expression of society, is not able to provide Kazakhstan with a way out of the crisis after the relative normalization of the situation in the country. The same applies to other authoritarian countries that have already experienced waves of public protests and are pregnant with more similar challenges.
Lenin, the forefather of the Soviet country, the fragments of which were presented at the meeting by the leaders of 5 states, identified three signs of a revolutionary situation:
1. The leaders cannot rule in the old way - the impossibility of the ruling class (according to the modern - oligarchy) to preserve its domination unchanged.
2. Nizami do not want to live in the old way - a sharp aggravation above the usual needs and misfortunes of the oppressed classes and their desire to change their lives for the better.
3. A significant increase in the activity of the masses, attracted both by the entire situation of the crisis and by the "upper circles" themselves to an independent historical action.
It was this pre-revolutionary symptom that online participants did not want to recognize and analyze. A characteristic feature of this meeting was the lack of improvisation of free outpouring of thought - all speakers declared ready-made and similar reports. This testifies to the unwillingness of those present to conduct a substantive and honest conversation, which does not bode well for the CIS space covered by all types of crises.
The only hope for light in the tunnels was given by the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov, who missed the meeting, who went on a short-term vacation that very day. Having come to power on a wave of popular will, this politician knows the value of the trust of his fellow citizens, who sympathize with the fate of their Kazakh brothers.
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