

The summit discussed the issues of the transatlantic partnership and the security of the G7 states, which NATO is designed to provide, the threats to Russia and the challenges of China (this is how the outgoing actions of the two global opponents-partners of the alliance are unequally designated), the topics of global climate control, support of countries applying to the family of Western countries - Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine,

Transatlantic partnership. This important issue was given special attention in the final communiqué of the NATO summit in the context of the erosion of transatlantic interaction under the influence of the previous US administration, which, through the lips of President Trump, announced a course of individualism in resolving various international issues. President Biden's words that America is coming back, were accepted literally, and the course of bilateral and multilateral negotiations showed that the United States is interested in consolidation to counter threats and challenges. It is no coincidence that the communique underscored the desire to strengthen the rule of law in order to restore the disturbed world order, which was deformed by the nihilist Trump.

NATO. To improve the security of the alliance, the leaders decided to instruct NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg to prepare a new ten-year concept of the organization for the next G7 summit. A special place will be given to Russia and China, as well as to the security of Western countries bordering on Russia. The concept envisages strengthening the role of political consultations and the resistance of NATO countries to various threats.

Russia. The latest actions of the Kremlin to restrict the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens, hostile hybrid actions, including military, information campaigns and cyberattacks against members of the Western alliance, as well as against former allies in the USSR, are regarded as a challenge to the world order formed 30 years ago after the end of the Cold War. "We are facing new challenges: Russia, whose actions do not meet our expectations, as well as China," Biden said.

This thesis was further developed in the summit's final communiqué: “Russia's aggressive actions constitute a threat to Euro-Atlantic security.” In particular, the buildup of Russia's military power in the western direction, the conduct of sudden large-scale exercises and troop movements are mentioned.

China. The G7 has announced its Build Back Better for the World (BBBW) global infrastructure project to compete with China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The Chinese BRI has really spread its network of transport, production, technology projects around the world - Beijing has funded 2,600 global projects worth $ 3.7 billion. In the G7, this is seen as an expansion affecting the interests of the West. However, in fact, it seems that the BBBW should actually complement the missing link in the global production and transport communication. The project is estimated at about 1 trillion dollars and will have to eliminate infrastructure problems in developing countries. India's presence at the summit (for the first time), albeit a virtual one, is part of this global agenda and can witness the growing influence and resistance of Chinese expansion in Asia.

In this case, communication countries such as Azerbaijan can become a field of competition, which the government, with a smart approach, can transform into regional interaction of two global projects.

Climate control. The G7 was not ready to discuss plans to reduce the greenhouse effect and replace traditional energy, industrial production with "green" until 2050. First, the talk is about the rejection of the use of coal. Discussions have been postponed until November, when the world climate conference will take place in Glasgow, Scotland.

MAP candidate countries. The G7 did not disregard the aspirations of the three former Soviet republics of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine as they seek to integrate into the fold of Western civilization. Each of them has its own strategic NATO Treaty, the EU; however, obtaining the status of a Membership Action Plan (MAP) in NATO is postponed from year to year due to non-fulfillment of obligations, in particular, to eliminate high corruption. However, they were promised assistance in strengthening their own security, naturally, from Russia.

Azerbaijan. After the G7, it became known that the Turkish presence in Azerbaijan is viewed as a NATO mission. Upon arrival in Baku on June 14, Erdogan made it clear that he regards Turkey's participation in security issues in Karabakh and Azerbaijan in general, as NATO's participation in this. The Alliance plays an important role in ensuring international stability and security and must contribute to all regions where NATO's “security umbrella” is needed, he said.

It is unlikely that this was an impromptu Turkish leader, who the day before had an intensive conversation with his G7 colleagues, who declared their commitment not only to defense, but also to offensive on all fronts, primarily of economic interest.

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